Italy is a country that is still using some manners that in other countries are ways of discrimination and the job seekers involved may feel to be treated with no respect at all.
Italy is a country member of the European Union, but still is far away from policies of integration and equal opportunity for all.
I remember, when going to an interview with an important recruiting company in Rome and the Manager's Assistant before taking myself to the Recruiter's Office was at the reception area talking out loud and asking Are You Italian?
Certainly I am. Just because she heard my foreign accent, since I come from an Italian family that emigrated from Italy to Venezuela for work reasons. She said that to me and also to other people that for some aspects she saw were coming from other countries.
But still is not the proper way to recruit employees, without considering the candidate's Rèsumé and qualifications for the job we are applying for.
But still is not the proper way to recruit employees, without considering the candidate's Rèsumé and qualifications for the job we are applying for.
Now the Italians do not like at all the new generations of Italians that entry the country and speak Italian and English, Spanish, Portuguese or other language since U.S.A., Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, France and Australia are the most important countries that accepted the Italian families when they arrived to work there.
For that reason the European Union created a project for all the professionals with multilingual experiences to work in several cities of Italy in order to comply with the integration and equal opportunity for all, and I was selected to work in that project in Rome.
Ironically, due to the crisis Italian Graduates are now looking for a job abroad the country and perhaps may understand how it feels to work in another country, with the difference that they may be treated better, but it all depends on their qualifications to obtain the Job.